Reconstructed: Surviving the False Summit

Trauma Treament for Breast Cancer Survivors

The journey of fighting breast cancer is often long, scary, and stressful.

Many women finish treatment feeling confusing emotions about what the heck they just went through, what Erin now calls the “false summit” of cancer recovery, because it feels like the journey is supposed to be over, even though its not. This false summit is actually the PTSD, or PTS symptoms, that many women experience.

Getting help from someone who gets it AND specializes in trauma is where Erin comes in.

Health professionals don’t always understand what is going on from a mental health perspective when it comes to cancer treatment, and survivors are often left to figure it out on their own since there is no real roadmap to healing from breast cancer treatment trauma. No one knows exactly why there is trauma, just that it happens.

The truth is that only when treatment is over can the healing finally begin. “Breast Cancer Warriors” must move out of fight mode (survival mode) and into a new place, where (maybe) she can finally rest and heal, ultimately making peace with her “new normal” and thrive.

Studies show that up to 80% of women who go through breast cancer treatment struggle with PTSD or symptoms related to trauma for at least one year after treatment ends.

This means that many women will need PTSD specific therapy, or trauma-informed therapy at a minimum. Once they understand this, they can throw away the idea that they should “just be grateful to have survived and that it’s all over.” As a breast cancer survivor and thriver, Erin knows firsthand this difficult journey. Through a combination of research-driven trauma treatments, earth based therapy, somatic therapy, and a little “cancer humor,” she walks women home through the journey of healing.

“I believe the amount of support a woman gets during treatment is directly related to how OK she will be on the other side.”

-Erin Henry, Breast Cancer Thrivor

Breast Cancer Support Resources

There are a wealth of breast cancer survivor support groups. Below are some that I have found to be incredibly helpful. I’m sure there are more:

Facebook groups:

Colorado Breast Cancer Support Group (vary by state)

Peloton Breast Cancer Survivors

Breast Cancer Support- Surviving After Breast Cancer


Live by Living:

Young Survivors Coalition:

The Breasties:

For the Breast of Us:

IG influencers:





Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.

- Alex Karras