Welcome to Rewild Therapy and Wellness, where nature is nurture.

We specialize in experiential, “bottom up” trauma therapy rooted in earth based practices.

What are earth based therapies?

Earth based therapy partners with the natural world to help clients heal through intentional, aware connection and slowing down the nervous system and internal world.

At Rewild, we practice undomesticated therapy by rewilding evidence-based therapy modalities by combining them with earth based practices that are outside of the box, outside of buildings, and in relationship with animals and plants, making them a little more wild and a whole lot closer to nature.

What is Undomesticated Therapy™?

Undomesticated therapy takes in the long-view of who we are as human beings in client conceptualization. This is therapy that includes and goes beyond the intra- and interpersonal aspects of a client and considers the context of our ancient, undomesticated selves, one’s ecological identity and history, and the role cultural socialization has on a client’s authenticity.  
Undomesticated therapy rewilds conventional therapy through many experiential paths and approaches such as: challenging societal conditioning and norms; reawakening instinct and intuition through somatic practices; partnering with animals and wildlife such as horses, donkeys, or birds; integrating herbology or plant medicine; hiking or walk-n-talks; and most importantly – actively collaborating with one’s local bioregion in interventions from a place of competence, relationship, and consideration of the client’s presenting concerns

-Kimberly Rose, Colorado Ecotherapy Institute

Our Style

  • Trauma Focused

  • Relational and Attachment

  • Nervous system/polyvagal based

  • Somatic and Yoga

  • Evidence Based Modalities, including EMDR

  • Evidence Based Experiential therapy, such as Equine Therapy (Gestalt Equine Psychotherapy)

  • Community based

Hi, I’m Erin! 

I started Rewild because I wanted to offer people an alternative to traditional therapy. I knew that nature and animals were healing in my own life, and wanted to offer that same healing to others.

I discovered nature based and earth-based practices through my studies with Colorado Ecotherapy Institute, trained in equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) through the Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies, animal assisted therapy through Professional Therapy Dogs of Colorado, and eventually combined this with my training in EMDR and experience as a trauma clinician to create my own spin on traditional therapy, undomesticating practices and rewilding therapy modalities.

I have spent hours doing walk and talks with clients, playing with horses, birds, flowers, and trees, and helping clients find relief from stress, anxiety, and trauma symptoms through mindfulness and present-moment awareness and partnership with animals and nature. In the office I partner with my canine co-therapists, Buddy, and Lincoln. I currently work at 2 farms and team up with the horses at each location. I often tell clients that when they work with me they not only get 1 therapist to support them, but a team of 4-legged friends, as well.

What Makes Us Unique

Rewild Therapy and Wellness is an experiential, earth based trauma therapy practice.

We are a team of clinicians who offer a variety of research backed modalities to meet each clients unique personality, interests and needs. 

Our nervous systems need nature to regulate. 

More and more research is coming out validating what we already know:

  • People who spend time in nature are less stressed than people in an urban settings

  • People who move their bodies regularly and get physical exercise  have less overall health problems

  • Healthy relationships contribute to overall wellness and happiness. 

In this we honor that:

  • As humans we need movement, creativity, and expression. 

  • We need fresh air and deep breath. 

  • We need play and fun.

  • We need 3-dimensional relationships, not screens.

  • We need healthy, local foods with plenty of plants.

  • We need connection to the natural world and natural rhythms.

Let us rewild with you.

“You are comprised of 84 minerals, 23 Elements, and 8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells. You have been built up from nothing by the spare parts of the Earth you have consumed, according to a set of instructions hidden in a double helix and small enough to be carried by a sperm. You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, and shark teeth, broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt into our planet’s most complex living thing.
You are not living on Earth. You are Earth.”

- Aubrey Marcus”

Our Team

  • Erin Henry

    MSW, LCSW, RYT-500


  • Nikki Drew, VIrtual Assistant

Cost of Services

Therapy is an investment. Rates are determined by the cost of maintaining a practice, years of experience in clinical practice and training/expertise, and are set at the median range of the Denver-metro area.

Erin Henry, LCSW $175/ 50-55 minute session & $225/90 minute session

Couples and Families are $200/hour

Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “good faith estimate” (GFE) explaining how much your medical care will cost.

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using their insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

You have the right to receive a GFE for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items of services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

You will receive a GFE in writing at least 1 business day before your session. You can also ask your healthcare provider, and any other provider you choose, for a GFE before you schedule an item or service.

If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your GFE, you can dispute the bill.

Make sure to save a copy or picture of your GFE. For questions, or more information about your right to a GFE, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises or call Colorado Division of Insurance at 303.894.7490 or 1-800-930-3745

 Our Core Values

Connection & Contact


Intuition & Instict

Personal Responsibility and Choice

Authenticity & Congruence


 Erin Henry, MSW, LCSW, RYT-500

Erin has worked in various settings, including hospice, juvenile detention, community mental health, non-profit, and private practice.

She has her RYT-500 (advanced yoga teacher training), and has been combining yoga and psychotherapy since she started as a therapist in 2010. She is now trained in various therapeutic modalities, including EMDR, Equine-Assisted EMDR (EA-EMDR), Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), nature based, gestalt equine assisted psychotherapy, wellness coaching, and integrative nutrition for mental health, and has integrated these various modalities all into her therapy framework using nature as a co-therapist. Erin believes that in order to help people find complete wellness and mental ease, we must include the whole person- mind, body, and spirit, while at the same time remembering the human connection to nature and the wisdom that exists there.

Erin is a breast cancer survivor and thriver, and is passionate about helping cancer survivors become thrivers.

In her free time you can find her playing outside, camping, and traveling. Erin has learned through her life experiences the value of nature and the wilderness to help us find our connection with the land, each other, and ourselves so we can live empowered, balanced, grounded lives. 

Caroline Yarbro

Equine Specialist, MSW Intern

Caroline is an equine specialist and social work therapist in training at the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Social Work. She has experience and training working with children, adolescents, and adults who are facing the effects of past trauma, relational challenges, chronic and terminal illness, and complex grief.

Through her certification in Gestalt Equine Studies at the Gestalt Equine Institute of the Rockies, she experienced and witnessed firsthand the healing and wonder of partnering with horses and the natural world to restore well being, heal trauma, support sobriety, build relational skills, and regulate the nervous system.

She is also trained through EquiLateral: The Equine Assisted EMDR Protocol™ to support equine assisted EMDR as an Equine Specialist working alongside a licensed EMDR clinician.

In her free time she enjoys spending time with her horse Luna and hiking with her dog Bentley. I love animals, being outdoors, adventures, friendship, poetry, music, and archetypal astrology.